Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm on the hunt

I'm apartment hunting, a task I usually enjoy. Only my happy funtime has been complicated by the fact that I'm kind of caught in my current apartment until December. I really want to move out ASAP, even though I have absolutely no furniture - no couch, no bed, no TV - so moving out would mean sleeping on the floor and staring at the wall. I am beginning to think that's okay, given my experience in my current apartment.

I think I'm pretty easy. Here is all I'm looking for:
- Something I don't have to share
- Someplace free of bed bugs or other bugs/allergens that cause my body to bloat up like a balloon and itch to the point of not being able to sleep or do my work
- Something cheap enough that I can afford to buy some furniture and maybe even have money left over for cable
- Someplace where I won't get shot
- Did I mention no bugs?

This is a city with millions of people. Surely I can find some place to live...

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