Sunday, September 28, 2008

Public transportation

Bus Ride - Rocco DeLuca and The Burden

I like taking public transit. It's great people watching and it leaves me time to read, daydream, and check out my new city. Although my commute is about 40 minutes, I'm lucky to live and work very near many transit options. Over the past week I took about 8 different ways to and from work. I like the variety so I think I'll keep mixing up my routes.

Here are a few of the things I noticed on just one day:

- I sat next to a girl wearing earbuds, but I could hear her music as clearly as if they were in my own ears. I was disappointed by her stereotypical female mix: 80s pop rock, John Mayer and Jason Mraz.

- At one stop I saw two men walking and did a double take. It was literally the blind leading the blind. One man had a walking stick (is that what they're called)? and kept tapping the side of the bus as he walked along the edge of the sidewalk. Walking beside him and holding his arm was another blind man with a seeing-eye dog.

- There are periodic announcements on the buses and trains about giving up seats to the elderly and handicapped, not leaning against doors, etc. I was most intrigued by this one: "There is no eating, drinking, gambling, littering or radio play on the bus." Really? Gambling? Was that a big problem? I would have liked to be a fly on the wall during the approval process for that announcement.

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