Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blah blah blog

The other day I was hanging out with my friends Di and Nien. After a lazy lunch of delicious sandwiches (I had the one called "name of girl I'm dating"), I asked if they had ever heard of the term "blah blah blog" to describe the incredible and inevitable banality of 99.9% of blogs. They said no, so I congratulated myself on thinking of it. Maybe I was still on a little high because the cute cashier had drawn a heart on my sandwich wrapper, but I started to think I might just be a clever girl after all.

Then I got home to find every 14 year old in America (and probably some 56-year olds pretending to be 14) has already written about blah blah blogs, blah blah blahgs, and blah blah blah blogs. Damn you teenagers (and pervy fake teens)!

But as the saying goes, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

That's right. I'm a long way from 14, and I'm sure as hell not going to pretend to be in that hellhole of adolescence again, but I am going to try my hand at this blah blah blog thing myself.

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