Friday, October 31, 2008

Bad sign

How I know it's time to give up hope for any possible relationship/social life/interpersonal interaction:

1. A potentially flirtatious exchange involving the rescue of peanut M&Ms in the office vending machine led to no exchange of phone numbers... or first names.

2. My friendship with an ex has been pre-empted while he's busy juggling dates.

3. My summer crush still doesn't really know I exist.

4. At a recent Halloween party, I spent more time alone watching a movie where a man gets attacked by a vampire sheep fetus than I did talking to anyone.

5. is full of guys looking for girls younger than me.

6. Two volunteer organizations I contacted about helping haven't returned my calls/emails.

7. Confirmation emails from are the most exciting thing in my inbox.

8. I'm living vicariously through other people's Facebook posts.

9. I spent three nights of the past four doing things alone among crowds of people - drinking at a bar, attending a film festival, sorting books at a book swap.

10. I opted to call customer service at the gas company rather than email my question just so I would have someone to talk to.

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