Monday, September 15, 2008

Hair-epy for the gainfully employed

Di and I both just got jobs (not at the same place sadly, but that's irrelevant to this story).

To prepare for my new life in a new city with new people and a new apartment, I've decided to take a totally unoriginal route and do what many girls do - dye my hair. And to follow through on the cliche, I'm also hoping this hair-epy will somehow rid my life of recent bad guy karma.

Thanks to Di (and late night gchat) for some wisdom on the matter:

i once died my hair super red, then hated it so i died it black, but then it was too black so i wanted some highlights, then when they tried to lift the color from my hair it was pink, then i cut off all of my hair and looked like a lesbian.

oh, and the moral of that hair story is, in case you missed it, is this:
if you dye your hair red, there is a chance you may stop liking sex with men

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